Friday, January 16, 2009

my first blog.

The date is january 16, 2009... Its a really fucking cold friday morning and I'm on a train into the city for work. This is my first blog entry and I don't really know what to write or even why I'm writing at all, but the girl sitting next to me putting her contacts in is really not very attractive. One time, I saw a woman on the train reading a book entitled "size 14 isn't fat either".

A lot of people have blogs about one thing or another - some focus on celebrity gossip, or stock market strategy, or the latest trends in whatever. Even more people have blogs about things like how they decorate their living room or the new wheels they just put on their honda civic or how one day they're gonna bus' a cap in that fool from that other gang or how the jonas brothers are soooo cute omg I'm gonna marry the drummer lolkthxbye!!...I don't think I'm going to try to do any of those things with my little slice of the interwebs here, but I still cannot promise good reading sooo this may end up be a gigantic waste of time for everyone affiliated (namely me - and you if you're still reading...which I prob. wouldn't be if I were you...)

People seem to get a kick out of some of the things I've written in the past (the now infamous salutation to one Susan Angelo, the story of Cuisinart man (co-authored with C.B. Clark), the history of a jovial group of fellows "known simply as the SDO", and as of late several electronically submitted invitations to an array of celebrations come to mind). But surprisingly writing isn't the only form of artistic expression I've dabbled in. I've made my mark in film with such projects as "batman, the chicken and the thief", an epic tale of heroism in small town america. Then there was the shocking recount of the day legendary author Stephen King was struck by a passing motorcoach traveling at a high rate of speed (in both of which I co-starred/co-directed, again with C.B. Clark) - and how could anyone forget the untitled action-adventure masterpiece that was so good it landed me in jail, thus spawning the aforementioned salutation to Mrs. Angelo?

I've also tested the waters of print media with lesser known submissions such as the groundbreaking original "the pied piper of C.E.T." - a true cult classic inspired by the perversions of R. Kelly and comedy of Dave Chappel, as well as by J. Allen Kneibel and C. Ainsworthland Barret, truely great gentlemen who taught me many life lessons in a time of self discovery and renewal. (available for your viewing pleasure here:

But this blog isn't about me, I don't think, or at least that is not the intent. This blog will grow and mature in a manner similar to the perennial daffodil. It will rise from the ground in the spring and flower in the summer sun, only to lose it's delicate pedals and return from whence it came in the fall and winter - then again in the spring it will rise. I'm not 100% sure what any of this means, or how you can take from it and relate it to your own daily experiences, but I hope, above all, that it's brought a smile to your face and added a little sunshine to your day. That, my friends, is what i believe this blog shall be about. So with the immortal words of Mister Rodgers, I bid you adieu.'You've made this day a special day by just your being you. There's no person in the whole world like you. And I like you just the way you are.'